Cologne List ®

Our commitment to clean sport
The Cologne List® publishes products that have been tested for various banned substances by one of the world's leading laboratories in Europe to significantly reduce the risk of accidental doping.
Research has shown that the contamination rate in commercially available nutritional supplements is between 12 and 58%. The risk of accidental doping through the use of nutritional supplements is high. The main goal of the Cologne List® is to protect athletes.
We are proud to confirm that our best-seller, 5-in-1 Athletic Whey , has been approved for inclusion in the Cologne List®.
Marina Hegering: Why the Cologne List is indispensable for professional athletes
In professional sport, it is not just performance that is important, but also integrity. With nutritional supplements in particular, there is a great risk of consuming products that contain impurities or can lead to doping problems. This is precisely where the Cologne List plays a crucial role. It offers a tested selection of products that gives athletes maximum security so that they can concentrate fully on their performance.
A concrete example of how important this security is is provided by Marina Hegering, German national player and central defender. In her search for a new protein powder that would meet her needs, Marina deliberately turned to the specifications of her club and the Cologne list:

Marina Hegering - VFL Wolfsburg
"I wanted to try a whey powder that not only met my requirements, but was also on the Cologne list. Unfortunately, the selection there is very limited, but after a comparison I decided on your product - and I'm delighted. It tastes good, dissolves really well and is pleasantly mild. It also works perfectly when baking. For me, it's a product I can rely on."
This is particularly important for professional athletes like Marina, as they have to undergo doping tests every few weeks and cannot take any risks. Dietary supplements that are on the Cologne List provide the necessary assurance that they do not contain any prohibited substances.
Our founder, Vale Metgenberg , a professional athlete himself, also knows these challenges. As an active athlete, he could not bring out products that he was not allowed to consume himself. Our listing on the Cologne List guarantees the purity and safety of our products - a requirement that is particularly important to us. In this way, we not only offer professional athletes the necessary security, but also anyone who wants to give their body only the best.

As a partner of the Cologne List®, we ensure greater trust and transparency and offer protection and security to professional and amateur athletes.
The Cologne List® is considered the leading platform for the analysis of food supplements in Europe. The laboratory, the Center for Preventive Doping Research at the German Sport University Cologne, works closely with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in testing food supplements.
The Cologne List® publishes products that have been tested and rigorously analyzed for selected doping substances by a world-leading ISO-certified laboratory. Products included on this list help to significantly reduce the risk of accidental doping and provide manufacturers with additional layers of quality control.
Dietary supplements – unlike pharmaceuticals – do not go through an official approval process. This means that no authority checks the accuracy of the labels or the safety of the ingredients before they are sold to athletes.
The Cologne List® is an international quality management program that uses independent product controls to minimize the risk of banned or doping-relevant substances entering food supplements.
In Germany, professional athletes are only allowed to consume products that are listed on the Cologne List® to ensure that they do not consume any prohibited substances.
The Cologne List® offers orientation and more security for test pool athletes as well as recreational and amateur athletes.
From an analytical point of view, no dietary supplement is completely safe, as no laboratory can test for all substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The focus of evaluation and laboratory analysis is on anabolic androgenic steroids and stimulants, as according to previous studies, these substances were responsible for most contaminated and counterfeit dietary supplements. However, the continuously evolving screening program also covers other banned substances.
Therefore, the publication of a product on the Cologne List® does not mean that the product is completely free of doping substances. However, it does mean that the product has been independently tested and thus the risk of doping is significantly minimized. This offers an additional level of protection and trust compared to other commercially available products.
In general, products that undergo manufacturing evaluation, label testing and regular laboratory analysis by a recognized anti-doping program such as the Cologne List® have a significantly lower risk of containing prohibited substances.
This corresponds to the renowned, leading anti-doping programs from the United Kingdom and the USA.
The thorough and rigorous evaluation protocol required to be listed on the Cologne List® includes a label review at least once a year by experts from the Center for Preventive Doping Research at the German Sport University Cologne (CePreDo). The manufacturer of the product must also undergo a series of assessments to demonstrate its safety and quality control processes and licenses.
In the final stage of analysis, various samples of the product must be sent to the ISO-certified laboratory of the Center for Preventive Doping Research at the German Sport University Cologne, where they are thoroughly tested for banned substances, including anabolic-androgenic steroids and stimulants.
The batch number listed on the product can then be compared to the laboratory report, which can be found and downloaded on all of our product pages.